t1ps.com. shareprophets

4038 days ago

Evil Knievil asked to rewrite and airbrush history

At an also-ran investor show in a few weeks time Evil Knievil has been asked to give a talk on “my time at t1ps.com.” But he has been ordered to not, under any circumstances, mention Tom Winnifrith in that talk. Truly some folks are fascist morons.

For the record, t1ps was founded by me with Evil as its company secretary. We did the paperwork together in his flat in 2000. Its greatest triumph was the 3DM campaign. Who did the legwork, stayed up till 2 am calling folks across America? Er… Tom Winnifrith. Who wrote the 500 page dossier for the FSA which t1ps produced in the name of Evil and myself to get 3DM censored? Er… Tom Winnifrith and Monisha Varadan. Who edited (extensively) Evil’s two books published by t1ps? Er… Tom Winnifrith. Who organised the Evil t1ps seminar in London? Er…Tom Winnifrith. Who recorded hundreds of Evilcasts over 5 years with EK and then edited his diaries three times a week? Er ….Tom Winnifrith. This goes on and on. And on. And on.

I worked with Evil years before t1ps when the young men now in charge were still at primary school. I still chat to him all the time.  He read the lesson at my daughter’s Christening during his time at t1ps. He sent Olivia a very nice Olive tree which like her is now quite tall and flourishing.

Given that after five days in existence my new www.shareprophets.com website attracted more traffic yesterday than ALL of the websites owned by my former employer put together I can understand why certain young people may wish to airbrush history.

But as someone with a bit of experience who looks forward not back I suggest that the young men who have more decades than I to look forward to, consider the attractions of free speech and try not to rewrite and airbrush history. Be brave. Try to stand on your own two feet (rather than MY share tipping record). It is time to move on fellows.
